Category: Missions

  • Back from Zambia, Africa April 2011 with Fayetteville Christian School

    Itezi tezi, Zambia

  • Lesotho, Africa 2010

    Here are a few more pictures of the Lesotho Mission Trip with the Fayetteville-Christian School’s Senior Class of 2010

  • Ecuador March 2009- Guayaquil & Beyond

    Here is a few picture of the Ecuador Mission Trip with the Fayetteville-Christian School’s Senior Class of 2009.Our largest group mission ever! We had life-changing adventures!  Thanks to all the great kids that put up with Doctor Mark on this incredible journey!!! Tammi, Paula, Cindy & Joey…we are now the 5 amigos!  Also thanks to…

  • PERU February/March 2008- Lima/Andes/Amazon Jungle!!!

    Here are a few pictures of the Peru Mission Trip with the Fayetteville-Christian School’s Senior Class of 2008  

  • CHINA April 2007

    South China in April. Bicycling in the villages with FCS seniors Class of 2007! What a blessing!  Thanks to all the great kids that put up with Doctor Mark on this incredible journey!!! Tammi, Paula, Cindy…we are now the 4 amigos! Chinese, anyone? More pictures can be found at .John of , see you from the…

  • Zambia, Africa, February/March 2006

    Here are a few pictures of the Zambia Mission Trip with the Fayetteville-Christian School’s Senior Class of 2006.Thanks to all the great kids that put up  with Doctor Mark on this incredible journey!!! Tammi, Paula, Linda…we are now the 4 amigos!  And thanks to our South African friends. Thanks to all of our sponsors including…

  • Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Sept 2005

    Our 6-man surgical team flew into New Orleans just after the storm. We triaged at New Orleans International airport, which was basically only flying helicopters for rescue missions. We performed surgery tendon repairs at the Pete Marivich Center in Baton Rouge. Even relocated 5 families (21 people) back to North Carolina with Operation Blessing.  NASCAR…

  • Iraq Spring 2003

    Mark returned from a 2 week medical mission trip to Iraq the Spring of 2003  with Operation Blessing. He operated on the injured Iraqi children. Check out for details  as well as the pictures here.

  • Peru 2002

    Mark, Will and Bill Dudley jumping off of a terrace at Machu Pichu. Mark operated at the Lima Children’s Hospital.

  • Kenya, Africa 2001

    We spent a month in Kenya, Africa including doing medical missions in Kijabe at the Bethany Crippled Children’s Clinic and going on safari.  CBS “Survivor” was being taped in Samburu about 10 miles from where we were on safari.