271 miles today, 2,784.7 miles total
Sunday morning we attended church services where Ana & Jonathan Newman performed along with a native Navajo flutist. We had lunch in Gallup, New Mexico at the Route 66 Railway Cafe before heading into Arizona’s Petrified Forest enroute to Sedona. The petrified trees we saw were present when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Our Thumper voyage to Sedona had even gustier winds up to 40 MPH, providing our most challenging driving experience to date!?!? We settled into Rancho Sedona RV Park for our RV cooked dinner. We are now 3 hours behind the east coast time zone. AhóÁ, Nizhónígo Nee Ado’áát (Cheers, good health, & have a nice day in Navajo), m, b & t
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”–John Muir
“Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.” — Mark Twain
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