Colorado Horsing Around Lost Valley Ranch Pike National Forest
June Miller celebrates 101st Birthday!!!
Homemade churned ice cream!
Will graduates from Duke Fuqua MBA School
Florida Adventure RV’ing to Key West, March 2023
Crystal River Fort Pickens Key West
June Miller’s 100th Birthday Celebration June 14, 2022
Day 5 Nepal Disaster Medical Relief Kathmandu
Things over here have escalated now with new search teams out for current survivors of latest major earthquake 7.4 magnitude. I am OK and our entire team of 46 is…
Day 4 NEPAL Disaster Medical Relief, Kathmandu
Today, our CBN Humanitarian & Disaster Relief Team was deployed west of Kathmandu running a medical clinic in the village of Sitapaila. I saw 65 patients today while working beside…
Day 3 NEPAL Disaster Medical Relief, Kathmandu
I received my medical disaster response team identity card this morning from the Nepal Ministry of Health and was in the field within hours. We were deployed east of Kathmandu…
Day 2 NEPAL Disaster Medical Relief, Kathmandu
I sit here typing hearing the roosters crow and dogs barking in the streets as I realize, last night, I woke up to a four+ magnitude earthquake officially recorded which…
Day 1 Nepal Disaster Medical Relief, Kathmandu
I just landed in Kathmandu, Nepal 9 hours ago into a whirlwind of activity! Jason, your were right about the landing!?! I have met with the Operation Blessing International/CBN team…
Nepal Disaster Relief Medical Mission
I have been invited by CBN International (Christian Broadcasting Network of Pat Robertson’s 700 Club)/Operation Blessing to provide disaster relief medical support in Nepal. I will be leaving shortly, being…
Table Mountain Climb CapeTown, Boulder Beach Penguins, Cape Point southern tip, Safari in South Africa